GIRL : A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Baby Girl Names Starting With L
Name | Meaning | Gender |
Laabha |
profit | female |
Laasya |
DanceperformedbyGoddessParvathi | female |
Laboni |
Graceful | female |
Ladli |
Lovedone | female |
Laghima |
GoddessParvathi | female |
Lajita |
Modest | female |
Lajvati |
shy | female |
Lajwanti |
modest | female |
Lakhi |
Goddess Laxmi | female |
Laksha |
Whiterose | female |
Lakshaki |
GoddessSita | female |
Lakshana |
one with auspicious signs on her | female |
Lakshanya |
Onewhoachieves | female |
Lakshita |
Distinguished | female |
Lakshmi |
GoddessofWealth | female |
Lalana |
Abeautifulwoman | female |
Lalasa |
love | female |
Lali |
beloveddarlinggirl | female |
Lalita |
BeautifulWoman,Variety,beauty | female |
Laranya |
Graceful | female |
Lasaki |
Sita; made of lac | female |
Lata |
Acreeper | female |
Latangi |
Slimgirl,acreeper | female |
Latika |
Small Creeper | female |
Latikara |
Massofcreepers | female |
Lavali |
clove | female |
Lavangi |
Apsara,Ofthecloveplant | female |
Lavani |
grace | female |
Lavanya |
grace | female |
Lavenia |
Purified | female |
Laxmi |
GoddessofWealth | female |
Leela |
Divine drama | female |
Leena |
A devoted one; Tender | female |
Lekha |
Writing,picture | female |
Lekisha |
Life | female |
Leora |
Light | female |
Libni |
ManuscriptsofGod | female |
Likhitha |
Studious | female |
Lilavati |
God'swill | female |
Lillian |
Lily | female |
Lilly |
aflower | female |
Lipi |
ManuscriptsofGod | female |
Lipika |
Litters; alphabets | female |
Livia |
Blue | female |
Lochana |
eye | female |
Lohini |
redskinned | female |
Lohita |
Red,Ruby | female |
Lola |
GoddessLaxmi | female |
Lolaksi |
a sakti of Ganesha | female |
Lolita |
Ruby | female |
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