Category Numerology

Chaldean Numerology-System to get accurate reading

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Chaldean Numerology Find accurate numerology reading In a study of numerology, three major methods are used for calculating numerical values. These three methods are Pythagorean, Chaldean, and Kabbalah. Though there are several ways to practice numerology nowadays, only the Chaldean…

Numerology & psychic number

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To figure out your psychic number, you need to add together the digits in your birthdate. This figure will give you insight into your innermost self. Your psychic number is strongly associated with your identity and has a deep connection…

Numerology Software Not A Deep Analysis

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Numerology software Thousands of websites are available for free numerology report. Also, many of numerologist uses ready software of numerology. What you are getting is an output having no human touch. Numerology is a metaphysical subject and requires personal calculation.…

Numerology & Lucky Colours

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Everyone is influenced by colours. It plays an important role in our lives. Using colours in numerology analysis can be highly enlightening, liberating and inspiring and can help you to make the best of your potential for a truly colourful…

Numerology & Name number

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The name number is obtained by adding the numerological value given to the letters. There are generally three name numbers i.e. first name number, family name number, and full name number. Generally, the name is used with the bank, passport,…

Naming a New Born Baby

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New Born Baby Name Numerology Naming a newborn baby is an exciting task for the parents. It is a major life decision because their choice of name will have a major impact on their child’s future. Choosing a name should…